Guest Post: Make the best of your daily planner and write it down!
Words have power. When you are embarking on a journey to change your life, it is important to harness your words by writing them down. There are several ways that the written word can help improve your life overall including writing down goals, writing down your schedule, and journaling your gratitude. Each will have a […]
Guest Post: Why Should You Use a 90-day Planner
f you could change anything in your life, what would it be? You can change anything in 90 days if you have the right tools– from getting a new job, improving your relationships, sharpening beneficial habits or enhancing your living situation. The best tool you can use to start your life transformation is the 90-day […]
Guest Post: Take Control of Your Future
Many people live their lives just coasting through time. Change is scary and the unknown is intimidating, so people try not to rock the boat and accept the status quo. Does this sound like you or how you approach life? What if you learned a better way to live that helps you take control of […]
Guest Blog: The Three Pillars of Change: Goal Setting, Affirmation, and Habits
The Three Pillars of Change: Goal Setting, Affirmation, and Habits If you are looking to change your life and heart, it is time to start leading a more intentional and purposed living routine. When it comes to creating the life you want, there are three pillars that will guide you. The three pillars are goal […]
Guest Blog: Thriving in Purposed Living
You Can Change Anything in 90 Days If someone told you that you could change anything in 90 days, would you believe them? When it comes to changing your habits, body, marriage, or career, it takes less time than you think. If you are truly committed to changing something in your life, using the Design […]
Guest Blog: Use Affirmations to Live Your Best Life
The Why, How, and Power of Affirmations If someone were to tell you that you could change anything in your life in 90 days, would you believe them? It’s true, you can! Setting goals and achieving them can change your life. Too often, people give up and cut themselves short. Even if that has been […]
Guest Blog: Setting Goals & Thriving During Hard Times
Setting Goals and Thriving During Hard Times In January 2020, people were setting goals and planning their years, but those plans were interrupted. For many, they sat down to plan out their day or week and then the plans were thrown out the window with announcements of schools closing, employment transitions, and grocery store shelves […]
Guest Blog: Change your Life in 90 Days
Change Your Life in 90 Days Using These Principles Much of the Pamela Shaw curriculum is built around 90-day time frames. Changing lives happen in small, intentional steps. To create new habits and bring real change, all you need is 90 days. To help facilitate these changes, there are 7 principles to abide by in […]
For as long as I can remember, I have embraced the truth behind Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.” I have allowed this Biblical truth to push me to achieve so that I could ‘get in the conversation’ because I knew and know that successful people THINK differently […]
Guest Blog: The Power of Why
The Power of Why When chasing a dream, there comes a point in everyone’s life that obstacles come along. We always encourage people to dream big and many people have risen to that call. Do you remember where you were when you decided to do something big? When you opened your business, got a new […]
Just get started…
For days, months actually, I have written in my 90 -day Planner “BLOG”! I am inspired when I write; I am inspired to write, and I get feedback from others that what I write resonates with them. God gave me the ‘theme’ of my blog– Body, Soul, Spirit. I am excited to explore what will […]

Confidence and Courage are YOURS to increase
While pushing through my work out today, I started thinking about the private choices we make that either ADD to our confidence or REDUCE our confidence. And on ‘1’ of the run around the building circuits, I considered WHEN I am the most courageous. How that ties to confidence. For me, there is always a […]

Design your life. Live your vision.
One of the greatest American freedoms is the privilege to build a business, to work, to earn according to your ability and willingness to be smart, invest yourself well, Connect wisely, prioritize with consistency –and select a great opportunity that will not fire you or limit you with a glass ceiling! I L❤️VE MY MK‼️. […]

Inspired by Commitment
We are inspired, changed, shifted when we watch our Olympic athletes with courage and commitment go after what their preparation has led them to – this moment for the medal. Intellectually we know that if they win today, they already won 1,460 PRIVATE days leading up to this one. Why is it that we recognize […]
Start with Focus and Commitment
Until you (I) learn that instant gratification invites only regret often accompanied by guilt and shame – and that grit, connection, perseverance, honesty and accountability invite character-building moments and winning results, you’ll repeat disappointing patterns in life over & over! When you allow your friend “Mr. time” & the accumulation factor of those character building […]

Freedom of Choices
FREEDOM is in doing the right thing. Freedom is in choosing discipline. The results I want in my life come from discipline and making ‘best’ over good (and certainly over bad) choices every single time. Momentary pleasure and ‘cheating’ only cheats me, and the pleasure QUICKLY turns into longer pain and guilt. The cycle is […]

7 Questions to Ask Yourself to Become More Positive
So keepin it real – what lesson have you recently gotten? And how many setbacks did it take you before you got it? Or perhaps more real – what lesson have you repeatedly had to wrestle with and failed? And are you ready to get the lesson? You will know by how you treat your […]
Tips from Pam Shaw on How To Become a Finisher
Here are tips from Pam Shaw that can give you the hope and strength to finish whatever you need to finish. Get still and get quiet– Quiet time, contemplative, deep thinking is important to be successful Make an exhaustive list of what you need/want to accomplish this week Delegate what you can to who you […]
Do You Know the Power of Your Own Words?
There’s no denying or debating this truth. Life can and will come at you in many directions – and the blend of joy, sorrow, mundane, encouragement, criticism, exhilaration, boring, required, expected, pleasure, discipline, connection, loneliness, celebration, loss, happiness, sadness, confidence, lost confidence – I could go on and on. As human beings we get the […]
3 Ways to Practice Self Discipline and Live Your Best Life
Discipline is at the heart of every success. If we operate only on the way we feel, we might never feel like doing anything that will take us closer to our goals, potential, purpose in life. The list could be long – scenario: tonight, after a pig out meal and a tub of ice cream, […]