For as long as I can remember, I have embraced the truth behind Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend.” I have allowed this Biblical truth to push me to achieve so that I could ‘get in the conversation’ because I knew and know that successful people THINK differently from others. And unless you’re in the room, it’s hard to know what that thinking actually is. The truth has driven me to set audacious goals to ‘move up’ the career path, to earn travel, to be in the ‘inner’ of the circle.
Although she has been my inspiration, muse, accountability partner on many other efforts when I read her blog this week @leahlauchlan www.allthethings.com, I was inspired to put into play 10 HARD days to give myself a leg up. You know I’m a fan of 90 days consistent effort, tracking and intentionn! You can literally change almost anything in 90 days—relationship, body, business success… but sometimes we just need a short-term win—not too easy, not too hard, not too long– a stretch win which ushers in both results and confidence simultaneously. And like I have experienced on my journey for many decades, success in ONE area bleeds over in another.
Clearly you’ll want to read Leah’s blog (and her others), but the basis for this #HARD was inspired by some of her leaders who went for #75HARD! They had a list of things— 2 a-day workouts, for example. Leah witnessed an ease of confidence, growth of business without all the fuss, so with last Wednesday being Ash Wednesday, Leah planted her #HARD around lent. Having grown up in a Baptist or community church environment, I never ‘corporately’ practiced lent. So here is what I am going to do and I invite you to join me. Today is day 1 of 10 which will take me to the end of February. Easter is March 4 which leaves 34 more days leading up TO Easter. That will give me a full 44 to sacrifice mindfully.
BUT… for the first 10 days, I made a decision to hold myself to disciplining (#24 on my Gallup Strength assessment) ‘all my ducks beautifully swimming up one serene stream at one time’!
I have invested in dismissing (ok, annihilating) habits of ALL KINDS that do not serve me well while simultaneously building habits that do. Many of them around time management, goal setting accomplishment and work, may around words, relationships, communication (or keeping my mouth shut) and coaching; in recent years, many of my habit interests center around health practices—learning more about the gut – brain connection (THE PRIME—another gift from Leah and a journey we shared with our friend Julia), neuroscientists and… if you’ve followed me for long, you already know this. I have invested in the knowledge and the practice of some pretty rockin habits! Some of them do not move! They FRAME MY DAY – a.m. and p.m. I heard a recent snippet from a blogger call those times of day Pre game and Post game in case that gives you a tighter reference. The first 2 hours and the last hour of my day—tight as a tick.
A.M. Frame
- Early Wake time
- Quiet time
- Meditation
- Prayer & Journaling
- Affirmations
- Gratitude
- Workout
- Supplements, first nutrition
P.M. Frame
- Coffee and supplements set
- Workout clothes laid out 100%
- House temp (low 60 degrees)
- House alarm
- Gratitude
- MK nighttime, CBD
- DARK dark room, blackout curtains, no TV, no led lights (same SLEEP time)
THOSE are in place. They rarely get even tested. They are WHO I am. However there are other habits that I have come to KNOW are important. They simply are come and go. Not a part of the fabric of my day. I just want to NAIL , own, LIVE out consistently, and although they have been patterns off and on, I want to exude them as naturally and tightly as I do the FRAME. Initially, I integrated them as a ‘stack’ to another habit I had in place. And as long as that ‘stack’ is there, I’m good. Others, I integrated with accountability for only a window of time. As long as that accountability was there, I was golden. If-when something interrupted the time of day or situation, ended the accountability, then they’d be out.
To quote Leah’s Instagram post “ ‘I have a slight vulnerability hangover (thank you Brene Brown for this term I have used and felt many times over the past few years after posting this blog’.”
I have come to embrace creating meaningful habits, not just for the sake of it but because it matters. Having lost Jerry in 2006 to ALS, I tend look at seasons of life and what I CAN do differently than I did before. Before, young, I was likely living a herd mentality that I had, we had, plenty of time for all the things. It wasn’t true. So, I have truly embraced obedience by ‘getting it in the whisper’ – God’s wisdom delivered through His WORD, through other believers, through circumstances in a way I don’t need to get it in the roar. Many of these are habits. It isn’t that society today is without knowledge. You can ask almost anyone how to live with greater health, lose weight and create an active lifestyle, and they can give you an answer, point you to a plan. How many “LIVE it” is a different conversation considering 63% of America is considered obese today. I want to live it –so that if this girl (with #24 discipline in her strength set) might inspire you to step up and say ‘yes Lord’ to the whisper on YOUR heart, then this time writing will be worthwhile! Back to these other (and you’re thinking—ALRIGHT ALREADY, what are these habits?!) Stick with me.
- I added them at some point. I researched the product, the what and the why to integrate.
- I have lived them on and off for many years.
- Covid tested many of those on my lists.
- This week, the final WAKE UP– snow and ice storm revealed that because of how I have stacked their daily integration, circumstance could easily unravel or make some of the most important ones obsolete.
So I made my list. I posted images of a few of those habits on my story; I connected with Leah to thank her and to share in accountability. I printed 10 little tracking pieces of paper 2” X 2”, and I started writing this blog!
For 10 HARD days, I will do THESE 10 HARD things every consecutive day to RE integrate them BACK into my EVERY day life. I’m excited. I’m naked vulnerable to share b/c I will have to be forthright about their accomplishment (stay tuned to March 1)
1. AM routine -oil/tongue/drybrush/colostrum |
2. 10k steps- 4 weekday workouts/1 hot yoga |
3. 10 active FIT BIT hours |
4. KETO – VEG nutrition (tracked) |
5. Sugar FREE – including keto allowed ‘treats’ |
6. Prime Tea AND Bone Broth |
7. 2000 ML h20 (@ 70 oz) |
8. Golden Milk (organifi turmeric + almond milk) |
9. Read 10 pages a day |
10. Audible/podcast 30 min a day (while dress-doing steps) |
Will you join me for YOUR #10HARD10things? Tag me on INSTAGRAM with your commitment @pamelashaw
February 20, 2021 @ 1:04 am
Thank you for this blog! Love reading about your 10 things and your daily health habits. I have always pictured you as the most disciplined person, so it’s surprising to know that’s not in your top 5 strengths. It just goes to show that anyone can adopt the habit of discipline, if we just start taking the action needed.
March 5, 2021 @ 11:42 pm
YES girl! We can all always get more intentional! XO GOD SPEED