Just get started…
For days, months actually, I have written in my 90 -day Planner “BLOG”! I am inspired when I write; I am inspired to write, and I get feedback from others that what I write resonates with them. God gave me the ‘theme’ of my blog– Body, Soul, Spirit. I am excited to explore what will develop as I am obedient to writing. My substitute obedience has been ‘too long’ captions in my instagram posts. THAT is writing! lol But, no… the point is for each of us:
- It doesn’t have to be perfect
- It doesn’t have to be the BEST time
- All the details doing have to be in place–
WE all just NEED to get started!
As the year 2018 winds to a rapid close, choosing an introspective glance at HOW the year has gone for you would be a frugal investment of thought and consideration, but first– be sure what you’re looking to consider. It’s not WHAT happened to or not what happened TO you, the record of your losses, gains or stagnation. The question I am asking myself is, “Did I grow”? Have I added new and intentional habits? That (those) parts of my personality or character that I keep going after to polish– did I make strides? Did I stick to 2-4 solid goals and give my heart and soul to seeing them through. THAT is the direction.
I’m back in the study of BSF this year, and this past week the lesson about King Saul was quite sobering. God chose him as Israels first king. He had character, integrity, sensitivity, leadership abilities, relationship strengths. He STARTED well. He led well. He did not FINISH well.
If we take a snapshot of our lives in a year, and break it down to START WELL, LED well, FINISH_______, it is a good gage for how we approach time. Did you start well with specific goals? Did you persevere? Did you WIN in 1 or more areas of your life? I pray the answer is YES! Because if you DID, you’re ready to set NEW goals and take on a new challenge because you see the value of commitment over time.
If you didn’t ‘finish well’, then know– YOU are not alone! So now what? JUST get started. I believe the reason that S A D disease is so high in November has less to do with the shorter days and absence of sunshine (especially considering people of CA, FL and AZ)! I believe we get to this time of year and consider how we bailed, let go of, disrespected the passage of time and the BENEFIT of accumulation! SO what if you goal takes you 3 years!~ IF you’d committed 3 years AGO, you’d have hit it. And the same is true moving forward. GOD WILLING, you will have 3 years PLUS, so going after that 3 year goal is still worth your time investment. Just get started!
Sunday after Thanksgiving [5:45 p.m.], I’ll be doing a FACEBOOK live (Pamela Waldrop Shaw) on Finish and START. I hope you’ll join me! Let’s finish these last days of 2018 in a way that honors time, in a way that launches 2019 strong and confident! What is the desire of your heart?
- A new level of WELLNESS– weight loss? Fitness? Increased healthy nutrition choices?
- A new level of achievement in your business
- Financial goals- increased specific earnings, buying/building a home/creating wealth/investments
- A long-term project or a decluttering effort
- Serving others in some way
- Travel
- Learning a new language, a new skill
- Investing in a hobby — dancing, piano, painting
WHAT one thing keeps eluding you?
WHAT would mean the most to accomplish 1 year from today?
WHAT really is the price tag of your investment?
What have you ignored? Allowed the LOUD ‘urgent’ of life to snuff out the IMPORTANT thing on your heart?
WHAT would you most regret ignoring these feelings?
December 17, 2018 @ 12:30 pm
I want the day planner. But not sure which one. The one starting Dec 26th.
And how can I get in on that too. I need to kick off running!
Thanks so much!
December 17, 2018 @ 4:53 pm
Thank you!
June 3, 2019 @ 6:07 pm
Purchased your monthly goal folders years ago. Interested in re-connecting with Pam Shaw training materials
June 3, 2019 @ 6:25 pm
Awesome Bonny! Help yourself to the FREE videos on the site! GREAT to have you on here!
June 3, 2019 @ 6:27 pm
Sharon– the video is now posted! The planners are the same except for size! I still use the CLASSIC!
September 20, 2019 @ 3:18 pm
Is the Breakthrough goal setting workbook something I would want/need in addition to the planner?
November 25, 2019 @ 12:25 am
Can I just dive in with a planner, or do I need to do the goal setting first? My finances are limited but I want to go all in
January 8, 2020 @ 7:35 pm
You can absolutely dive in with a planner! The goal setting is a deeper dive and it will be beneficial but the days are marked out for you to be clear from the start!
May 7, 2020 @ 1:35 pm
Good morning Jennifer! The breakthrough goalsetting workbook is a tool to guide you through deep life questions revealing your priorities at the season! Most people don’t ever really take the time to ask themselves the tough questions! I pray you’re having a beautiful day today!
May 7, 2020 @ 1:37 pm
I am realizing messages have been here for quite some time but I hope you have invested in both doing the goalsetting through breakthrough and also tracking each day with a 90 day planner process! God bless you and Godspeed!