Inspired by Commitment
We are inspired, changed, shifted when we watch our Olympic athletes with courage and commitment go after what their preparation has led them to – this moment for the medal. Intellectually we know that if they win today, they already won 1,460 PRIVATE days leading up to this one.
Why is it that we recognize our attraction to their stories of hardship, maturity, overcoming? Why is it that we’re drawn to how they cheer and encourage each other on? How is it that we respect the difficulty of the skill that they have mastered? But take it to our private world and we don’t feel like doing our next best choice – challenge–whether that is a workout to accomplish a level of fitness, or grabbing that “A” in your college course, overcoming an attitude or a task at work, healing from an addiction, earning the use of your first pink Cadillac, or just getting out of your comfort zone in any area of life – you get the drift! Inside each of us is a built in knowing that our opportunity to live this life and to be our best has a timeframe and a clock. The greatest depression and anxiety in life is to know that we are in someway under performing to our ability or calling.
Regret is the result of fear and procrastination over time. When celebration and victory is an option, why settle? Seize the value of today, and give your next hour of life the best, prioritized, most disciplined version of yourself to accomplishing your next victory! When we think about serving the world, our playing small or invisible serves no one.
I can only wonder how many people these athletes have inspired by the way they have shared themselves, their work, their skill, and their success with us from the Olympic stage? Before you cop out and say “yeah but my life will never be lived out on the Olympic stage”, you’re already operating under an excuse that keeps you from being your best! Your best will serve others and it will make a difference!
What is your best today? #designYOURlife#BeyondDreamBig #myMKlife #usa #thePRIVATEmoment